
Quick Install

You can use pip to install directly.

pip install sacpy

Install Sacpy in the Conda environment

You may skip this step if your Conda environment has been installed already.

Step 1: Download the installation script for miniconda3

macOS (Intel)


macOS (Apple Silicone)





wget # or Copy Link to Browser for download

Step 2: Install Miniconda3

chmod +x Miniconda3-latest-*.sh && ./Miniconda3-latest-*.sh # windows just click the .exe and install

During the installation, a path <base-path> needs to be specified as the base location of the python environment. After the installation is done, we need to add the two lines into your shell environment (e.g., ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc) as below to enable the conda package manager (remember to change <base-path> with your real location):

export PATH="<base-path>/bin:$PATH"
. <base-path>/etc/profile.d/

Windows can add conda-bin path to $PATH automatically.

Step 3: Test your Installation

source ~/.bashrc  # assume you are using Bash shell
which python  # should return a path under <base-path>
which conda  # should return a path under <base-path>

Windows can skip this step, or

conda activate

Step 4: Install Sacpy

Taking a clean installation as example, first let’s create a new environment named cfr-env via conda

conda create -n sacpy python=3.10
conda activate sacpy

Then install some dependencies via conda:

conda install jupyter notebook cartopy xarray scipy numpy pandas netcdf4 dask

Once the above dependencies have been installed, simply

pip install sacpy

and you are ready to

import sacpy as scp

in Python.