Zilu Meng's Academic Page

e-mail: zilumeng@uw.edu; Github; Google Scholar; LinkedIn

About Me

Hi, I am Zilu Meng, a Ph.D. student in Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington. I am interested in Paleoclimate, Machine learning, Climate dynamics, and Data assimilation. I am currently working on Paleoclimate Data Assimilation, Last Millennium Climate Dynamics. In my free time, I enjoy vedio games, reading, and hiking.

Zilu Meng



Ph.D. Student in Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, 2023 - Now
Advisor: Gregory Hakim & Eric Steig
Research interests: Paleoclimate, Machine learning, Climate dynamics, Data assimilation
GPA: 3.99/4.0

B.S. in Atmospheric Science, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, 2019 - 2023
Advisor: Tim Li
Core Courses: Atmospheric (Fluids) dynamics, Atmospheric Physics, Principle of Method Synoptic Meteorology GPA: 95/100


Last Millennium Seasonal Reanalysis, Developed a seasonal reanalysis dataset for the last millennium using online data assimilation.

Deep Learning for tropical pacific reconstruction, developed a deep learning model to reconstruct tropical climate fields.Github

Sacpy, Built an efficient and useful Statistical Analysis module for Climate data in Python. Over 20000 people have used it so far on Github.

Deep Learning for ENSO, Deep learning and Grad-CAM are used to study the cause of El Nino (La Nina). Over 100,000 people have read articles on Zhihu. Github.

CFR, Participated in developing a universal framework for climate field reconstruction. Github

Conference Presentations

Nanjing Data Assimilation Workshop, Nanjing, China, 2024 June. Title: "Deep Learning for tropical pacific reconstruction". Github. Poster

GCC Meeting 2024, Seattle, WA, USA, 2024 May. Title: "Deep Learning for Data Assimilation".

AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2023 Dec. Title: "Sacpy: Python Package for Statistical Analysis of Climate". Github. Poster